
Showing posts from June, 2018

Turkish "Tombak" Helmet with Kayı Seal "Tamga"

Turkish Ceremonial Helmet Turkish Ceremonial Tombak (Copper alloy)  Helmet stamped with the Kayı tribe Tamgha, late 16th century. A tamgha (stamp, seal) is an abstract seal used by Turks as the emblem of a particular tribe. The KAYI tribe (Turkish: Kayı boyu) is a sub-branch of the BOZOK Tribal federation of OGHUZ Turks. Osman I, founder of Ottoman Dynasty was a hereditary leader in the Kayı tribe. Royal arsenal of the Ottoman Dynasty used Kayı Tamgha as it’s distinctive mark on every kind of weaponry. Türk Merasim Miğferi Kayı Boyu damgalı, Türk Merasim Miğferi, Tombak, geç 16. yüzyıl. Tamga (Damga) Türkler tarafından belirli bir boyun amblemi olarak kullanılan soyut bir mühürdür. KAYI boyu Oğuzların BOZOK koluna dâhil bir alt boydur. Osmanlı hanedanının kurucusu Osman Gazi, Kayı boyunun Beyidir. Osmanlı Hanedanı silahhanesinde Kayı Damgası ayırt edici işaret olarak her türlü silah ve askeri teçhizat üzerine vurulmuştur.  

Turkish Infantry Ottoman Dynasty Period

“Turkish Infantry” Wilhelm von Kobell     “Turkish Infantry” after Wilhelm von Kobell (1766-1853), published by Artaria in Vienna, c.1809-13. From the collection of hand-coloured engraved plates; large uniform group of Turkish infantry on plain, tent camp with camels in background, mountains in distance. Size: 49.0 x 71.0 cm   "Türk Piyadesi" Wilhelm von Kobell Arataria tarafından 1809-13 yıllarında Viyana’da yayımlanmış, Wilhelm von Kobell (1766-1853) çizimi, "Türk Piyadeleri". El ile renklendirilmiş gravür koleksiyonundan; Düzlükte, kalabalık, üniformalı Türk Piyade gurubu, arka planda develer ve çadır kampı, uzak mesafede dağlar. Boyutlar: 49.0 x 71.0 cm

Last Expedition of Sultan Suleiman Khan The Magnificent "Szigetvar"

The heroic death of Zriny at Szigetvar: the 8. Sept. 1566 La mort héroïque de Zriny à Szigetvar, le 8. Sept. 1566 (The heroic death of Zriny at Szigetvar: the 8. Sept. 1566). A drawing of artist J. Osolsobie, describing a scene from the Szigetvár siege, published by Ferdinánd Tomala at 1830. The battle at 1566 was fought between the Habsburgs allied forces under the leadership of Nikola Šubić Zrinski (Hungarian: Zrínyi Miklós) and the Turkish army. The Siege of Szigetvár (Turkish: Zigetvar Kuşatması) was the last expedition of the Turkish army, under the command of Sultan Suleiman Khan the Magnificent. Suleiman had passed away in his tent from natural causes, at September 7th, just a day before the final charge to the fortress, which ended with Turkish victory. Zirinyi’nin Zigetvar'da kahramanca ölümü: 8 Eylül 1566 La mort héroïque de Zriny à Szigetvar, le 8. Sept. 1566 (Zirinyi’nin Zigetvar'da kahramanca ölümü: 8 Eylül 1566). 1830'da Ferdinand Tomala...

Charles V and Sultan Suleiman Khan the Magnificent

Uniface bronze medal of Charles V and Sultan Suleiman Khan the Magnificent Charles V, supported by an angel and haunted by Sultan Suleiman Khan the Magnificent. Uniface bronze medal, anonymous, Netherlands, 1532 (?). Diameter: 108 mm. Inscriptions:  “+TE DECET O FELIX VLTRA PLVS PERGERE CESAR/CESAREO PRESENS DECIDET ENSE CAPVT” (It befits you, o fortunate Cesar, to proceed “plus ultra”/The present head will fall by the imperial sword) Kral Karlos ve Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Han Madalyonu Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Han tarafından musallat olunan ve bir melek tarafından desteklenen V. Şarl (Karlos Kral). Tek yüzlü bronz madalyon, anonim, Hollanda, 1532 (?). Çap: 108 mm. Yazıtlar:  “+TE DECET O FELIX VLTRA PLVS PERGERE CESAR/CESAREO PRESENS DECIDET ENSE CAPVT” (Sana yaraşır, ey talihli Sezar, ilerlemek “daha ilerisi”/ Mevcut kafa imparatorluk kılıcıyla düşecek)

A Jereed "Cirit" Game, 1891

A Jereed Game in Kağıthane A Jereed Game in Kağıthane, Luigi Acquarone (from Antoine Ignace Melling) Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 120 cm, 1891. This painting by Acquarone, is an oil copy of the engraving Kağıthane, published in Melling’s book. Jereed “Cirit” is a traditional Turkish equestrian war game played by Turks trough out history. Mainly, jereed was played to improve the cavalry’s attack and defence skills, and to whip up their enthusiasm for battle. Under Ottoman dynasty rule a superior class of cavalrymen known as "cündi" was formed from those skilled at jereed. Kâğıthane’de Cirit Kâğıthane’de Cirit, Luigi Acquarone (Antoine Ignace Melling’ten). Tuval üstüne yağlıboya, 65,5×120 cm, 1891. Acquarone'nin bu tablosu, Melling’in kitabında yayınlanan Kâğıthane gravürünün bir yağlıboya kopyasıdır. Cirit, Türklerin tarih boyunca oynadığı geleneksel bir Türk atlı savaş oyunudur. Esas olarak, süvarinin saldırı ve savunma becerilerinin geliştirilmesi ve c...

Türckische Cammer “Turkish Chamber”

Türckische Cammer “Turkish Chamber” In the Dresden Residenzschloss  “Royal Palace” Armoury, Dresden State Art Collections The Türckische Cammer in Dresden is one of the most significant collections of Turkish art from Ottoman Dynasty period outside Turkey. Exhibition presents more than 600 individual pieces of Turkish art. The largest object is the three-mast Turkish tent brought to Dresden in 1730. This 20 m long, 8 wide and 6 m high tent gives the viewer a sense of being under a second sky of gold and silk. The tent is made of satin, cotton and gilt leather; its restoration lasted 14 years. In addition, there are eight life-sized, carved wooden horses and a group of Turkish bows with original strings, the oldest of which dates from 1586.  Also shown are weapons, chain mail armours, helmets, flags and costumes. Türckische Cammer "Türk Salonu" Dresden Residenzschloss “Kraliyet Sarayı” Silahhanesi, Dresden Eyalet Sana...

Rather Turk than Papist

Rather Turk than Papist Rather Turk than Papist.The crescent-shaped silver medal used by the Dutch mercenary naval forces (Geuzen/Sea Beggars) at the time of Dutch Revolt against Catholic Spain. Diameter: 32 mm. Netherlands, 1574.  Inscriptions: On the obverse; “LIVER TVRCX DAN PAVS”                                (Rather Turk than Papist) On the reverse;  “EN DESPIT DE LA MES”                                   (In spite of the Mass) LIVER TVRCX DAN PAVS EN DESPIT DE LA MES Türk Papacılardan Evladır Türkler Papacılardan yeğdir “evladır”. Katolik İspanya'ya karşı Hollandalıların İsyanı sırasında, Hollandalı paralı deniz kuvvetleri (Geuzen/Sea Beggars) tarafından kullanılan, hilal şeklindeki, gümüş madalya. Çap: 32 mm. Hollanda, 1574.  Yazıtlar:  Ön yüzde;...

Turkish Shield with the Kayı Tamgha

Turkish Warrior Shield with the Kayı Tamgha  Turkish shield made of steel and copper alloys, late 15th century. Diameter: 46,7 cm. Weight: 1546 g. The shield is engraved with floral ornaments and stamped with the Kayı tribe Tamgha. A tamgha (stamp, seal) is an abstract seal used by Turks as the emblem of a particular tribe. The KAYI tribe (Turkish: Kayı boyu) is a sub-branch of the BOZOK Tribal federation of OGHUZ Turks. Osman I, founder of Ottoman Dynasty was a hereditary leader in the Kayı tribe. Royal arsenal of the Ottoman Dynasty used Kayı Tamgha as it’s distinctive mark on every kind of weaponry. The Tamgha of the KAYI Boyu Kayı Boyu Damgalı Türk Savaşçı Kalkanı Çelik ve bakır alaşımlarından imal edilmiş Türk Kalkanı, geç 15. Yüzyıl. Çap 46,7 cm. Ağırlık: 1546g. Kalkana çiçekli kabartma süslemeler işlenmiş ve Kayı Boyu damgası vurulmuştur. Tamga (Damga) Türkler tarafından belirli bir boyun amblemi olarak kullanılan soyut bir mühürdür. KAYI boyu Oğuzlar...

Set of Turkish Quiver, Bow case and Arrows

Set of  Turkish Quiver, Bow case and Arrows Turkish Bow case “Sadak” and Quiver “Tirkeş” set. Made of, Leather with appliqués, silk threads, silk fabric and gold leaf, ca. 1550. The bow, which was stowed in the bow case, had become a symbol of Turkish armament alongside the Kilij. Depending on the quality of the bow, it took up to ten years to manufacture the weapon, with individual layers of wood, buffalo horn, and sinew (tendon) glued together with fish glue. Each of these operations required extensive drying times, resulting in the long manufacturing time. The Turkish army did not renounced this weapon even after the introduction of firearms. With these composite bows, the Turks shot up to 800 meters. In order to protect the bow from moisture, after use, it was stored in a Sadak, which was worn on the left side. Sadak also made it possible to stow the bow in close combat, as it was a hindrance. On the other hand a “Tirkeş” (Quiver) was a container for holding the arrows,...

Museum of Ancient Turkish Costumes of Constantinople

Elbicei Atika  Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople "Museum of Ancient Turkish Costumes of Constantinople"       Old TURKISH Military Illustrations from “Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople par Jean Brindesi” (Museum of Ancient Turkish Costumes of Constantinople by Jean Brindesi). The lithographic album consist of 22 plate depicting various Turkish functionaries and military personnel in their traditional costumes, published by Lemercier, Paris, 1850.        Plate 01; The Sultan (Sultan Mahmoud II), Minister of the Interior (Ministre de l'intérieur), Grand Vizier (Grand-Vizir)     Elbise-i Atika Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople "İstanbul Eski Türk Kıyafetleri Müzesi"     “Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople par Jean Brindesi” (İstanbul Eski Türk Kıyafetleri Müzesi, Jean Brindesi...

The Medal of Sultan Mehmed Khan II

The Medal of  Sultan Mehmed Khan II the Conqueror   The Bronze Medal of  Sultan Mehmet Khan II the Conqueror (1432 – 1481),  made by Costanzo da Ferrara, Naples 1481, diameter: 12.3 cm. Inscriptions:  On the obverse, “SVITANVS . MOHAMETH . OTHOMANVS . TVRCORVM . IMPERATOR” (Sultan Mehmed of the house of Osman, emperor of the Turks); Obverse On the reverse, “HIC . BELLI . FVLMEN . POPVLOS . PROSTRAVIT . ET . VRBES” (This man, the thunderbolt of war, has laid low peoples and cities); in the tablet at the bottom of the reverse, “CONSTANTIVS . F”[ecit] (Costanzo made it) Reverse Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han Madalyonu Costanzo da Ferrara tarafından yapılan bronz Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han (1432 – 1481) madalyonu, Napoli 1481, çap:12.3 cm. Yazıtlar:  Ön yüzde, “SVITANVS MOHAMETH. OTHOMANVS. TVRCORVM. IMPERATOR” (Osmanlı hanedanından Sultan Mehmet, Türklerin imparatoru);  Arka yüzde, “HIC BELLI. FVLMEN. POPVLOS. PROSTRAVIT. ET VR...

Ortelius's first map of the Turkish Empire

Turcici Imperii Descriptio, Antwerp 1570,  Abraham ORTELIUS (1527 - 1598)  “Turkish Empire Description” Ortelius's first map of the Turkish Empire from “Theatrum Orbis Terrarum” the first modern atlas of the world. The map is based upon Gastaldi's wall map of Asia. Includes an ornate cartouche, four sailing vessels and a sea monster in the Black Sea. The second edition of the map was published from 1579 onward, with a distinctly different cartouche, but unchanged cartographic features. Turcici Imperii Descriptio, Anvers 1570, Abraham ORTELIUS (1527 - 1598)  “Türk İmparatorluğu Tasviri” İlk modern dünya atlası sayılan Ortelius’un "Theatrum Orbis terrarum" atlasının ilk baskısında yer alan Türk İmparatorluğu haritası. Harita Gastaldi’nin, Asya duvar haritası temel alınarak hazırlanmıştır. Süslü bir kitabeye sahip olan haritada dört yelkenli gemi ve Karadeniz'de bir deniz canavarı vardır. 1579 yılından itibaren yayınlanan ikinci baskı farklı bir kitab...